I asked Hal which team he'd be rooting for: Finland or Sweden. I'd figured Sweden for how they'd taken the Latvians in after the Soviets invaded. He agreed that this was a reason to want them to win, along with the fact that they're the underdogs. We like underdogs.
As for Finland, he reminded me that there were the moomintrolls


Tom of Finland to think of.
Tough decision.
Oh be, that drawing is just wrong!
It was the cleanest one of his works I could find.
It was one of those things where Hal decided to go to a Mapplethorpe exhibit and, instead of it being his flowers, it was his gay stuff with a lot of that Tom in Finland and gay Warhol stuff thrown in.
What I think would really be disturbing is if one put moomintrolls in the garden variety Tom of Finland scenarios.
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