I'd only ever seen these in yellow (with older leaves turning orange) - was quite a surprise to find a whole field of purple ones. We checked out an Audobon guide at the Meadow Glen Mall and determined that it's a trefoil of some sort. Funny - we did find them in a patch of clover.

Another great save by Sisu: this is actually crown vetch! A peaflower with a crown shape. Wow.
Definitely the pea family . . . looks like Coronilla varia (Crown Vetch) . . .
Madame, you rock.
I was making the incorrect assumption that they were a purple variant of the Birdsfoot Trefoil (Lotus corniculatus).
Everything was this great salade russe in a field across the street from the mall - crown vetches, birdsfeet, clover, morning glories, asters, little yellow things that we had no clue about, wild carrot...was mind-boggling!
Again, thank you so much!
My pleasure. I adore week ID's.
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