Who the heck does she think she is?
We're not here to validate her. She should have thought of that before she decided to let her husband run for president instead of her doing it herself. (In any event, the American people aren't here to validate the president, it's the other way around. At least it was before the last generation.)
Thursday, June 25, 2009
We had The Poster in the basement (my stepfather was really into her. My brother, later on, as well). Is amazing to see her at the beginning of her career. (Her choice is interesting, too.)
We had The Poster in the basement (my stepfather was really into her. My brother, later on, as well). Is amazing to see her at the beginning of her career. (Her choice is interesting, too.)
(Yes, I had the album. So did my brother. Two copies of "Thriller" in one household. Imagine that.)
Loved him. Am so sad about the later awful stuff. Hopefully he's at peace now.
Megan McArdle has something much older, but just as endearing. Love him during this period, too. Had the crush on him later, though.
(Yes, I had the album. So did my brother. Two copies of "Thriller" in one household. Imagine that.)
Loved him. Am so sad about the later awful stuff. Hopefully he's at peace now.
Megan McArdle has something much older, but just as endearing. Love him during this period, too. Had the crush on him later, though.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
She makes some awfully good points here. Problem is, whenever I set myself to writing about some of this stuff, lights (bright ones, white ones) start flashing. Everything from about the hairline up starts to feel like it's on fire. Then either stuff goes blank or the headache gets to bad I need to throw up.
I'm dealing better than when I was younger. It's all still too close (or I haven't learned to cope well enough yet) for me to give it the thought it needs. Maybe that'll change, maybe it won't. We'll see.
(Heck, we'll see if I can sleep after having read a couple of her stories that hit kind of close to home.)
I'm dealing better than when I was younger. It's all still too close (or I haven't learned to cope well enough yet) for me to give it the thought it needs. Maybe that'll change, maybe it won't. We'll see.
(Heck, we'll see if I can sleep after having read a couple of her stories that hit kind of close to home.)
Got another letter from my little brother. When I receive one, it's usually the highlight of the day (if not the week). The sense of humor is shining out more; his writing is improving dramatically. He assured me that he did indeed quit smoking, though that's because it's not allowed at his facility.
Was kind of funny to get his letter, as I'd just gotten back from posting a special dispatch to him:
"Little Bro: Had to drop some stuff off at the post office. Got to thinking of you, so picked up some nifty-looking moose envelopes. Silly question: you don't have moose (not you personally - more of a general question) in the mountains nearby, do you? It's more elks in your neck of the woods, isn't it. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Anyway - the best thing about the (outdated) envelopes is the color scheme - green and black. Very evocative of nature. Love, too, how this is enhanced by the turquoise + silver of the 2 cent stamps the nice postal lady had me affix.
Am sending along some koi cards as well.

(These are what I normally write my weekly dispatches on.)
Don't know if they'd be handy. Are awful pretty, though.
Bought my first pint of local strawberries today. They're tiny compared to the California ones, but very red and with so much more flavor. Kind of expensive, but they're a treat one doesn't have to feel guilty indulging in. Besides, their season is so short (6 weeks tops) that you can't really break the bank too badly gorging on them. Also got a quart of whole milk from a local dairy to serve with them (why the heck not?).
Am still slogging through the book I picked up about Eleanor of Aquitaine and the four kings in her life: Philip Capet (her first husband - King of France), Henry Plantagenet (second husband), Richard Coeur-de-Lion (second son) and "Bad King John" (aka Lackland John) - her youngest son + the one about whom the Robin Hood Legend arose. **Richard had an older brother - Henry - who was the heir to the throne, but he died before he could actually take over the throne from his father. Anyway - am right at the end of things - Richard is taken hostage by the Holy Roman Emperor while returning from his crusade. Eleanor's (now in her late 60s - early 70s) running herself ragged trying to come up w/ransom and hostages to free him. All I can think is that she must have been one heck of a force of nature. (Outlived her two husbands + two of her sons as well.) Am trying to figure out what to read next: Thucydides's History of the Peloponnesian War, Tacitus's "On Germany," or something on the period between Napoleon I's reign and WWI. (You might say that I'm on a bit of a history kick.)
Nothing much else is new aside from home repair stuff, some bird watching and some knitting. Would like for the weather to get better so I could spend more time in the garden. Maybe hike more and even go to the beach, too. Too rainy to do any of that, though. Oh well.

Really, it's the thought that counts.
Okay, onward. You keep taking care."
His Birthday's coming up soon. Found that I could have a book or two sent directly from Amazon. Am giving that some thought.
Was kind of funny to get his letter, as I'd just gotten back from posting a special dispatch to him:
"Little Bro: Had to drop some stuff off at the post office. Got to thinking of you, so picked up some nifty-looking moose envelopes. Silly question: you don't have moose (not you personally - more of a general question) in the mountains nearby, do you? It's more elks in your neck of the woods, isn't it. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Anyway - the best thing about the (outdated) envelopes is the color scheme - green and black. Very evocative of nature. Love, too, how this is enhanced by the turquoise + silver of the 2 cent stamps the nice postal lady had me affix.
Am sending along some koi cards as well.

(These are what I normally write my weekly dispatches on.)
Don't know if they'd be handy. Are awful pretty, though.
Bought my first pint of local strawberries today. They're tiny compared to the California ones, but very red and with so much more flavor. Kind of expensive, but they're a treat one doesn't have to feel guilty indulging in. Besides, their season is so short (6 weeks tops) that you can't really break the bank too badly gorging on them. Also got a quart of whole milk from a local dairy to serve with them (why the heck not?).
Am still slogging through the book I picked up about Eleanor of Aquitaine and the four kings in her life: Philip Capet (her first husband - King of France), Henry Plantagenet (second husband), Richard Coeur-de-Lion (second son) and "Bad King John" (aka Lackland John) - her youngest son + the one about whom the Robin Hood Legend arose. **Richard had an older brother - Henry - who was the heir to the throne, but he died before he could actually take over the throne from his father. Anyway - am right at the end of things - Richard is taken hostage by the Holy Roman Emperor while returning from his crusade. Eleanor's (now in her late 60s - early 70s) running herself ragged trying to come up w/ransom and hostages to free him. All I can think is that she must have been one heck of a force of nature. (Outlived her two husbands + two of her sons as well.) Am trying to figure out what to read next: Thucydides's History of the Peloponnesian War, Tacitus's "On Germany," or something on the period between Napoleon I's reign and WWI. (You might say that I'm on a bit of a history kick.)
Nothing much else is new aside from home repair stuff, some bird watching and some knitting. Would like for the weather to get better so I could spend more time in the garden. Maybe hike more and even go to the beach, too. Too rainy to do any of that, though. Oh well.

Really, it's the thought that counts.
Okay, onward. You keep taking care."
His Birthday's coming up soon. Found that I could have a book or two sent directly from Amazon. Am giving that some thought.
The male cardinal has been coming out to sing his song to his lady lately. Seems always to happen at sunset.
Tonight, in spite of the miserable mist-rain, he sang for a full 20 minutes. Dragged my tired bones out to the porch to lose myself in it and perhaps find him. Didn't see him, though he was very close by.
Tonight, in spite of the miserable mist-rain, he sang for a full 20 minutes. Dragged my tired bones out to the porch to lose myself in it and perhaps find him. Didn't see him, though he was very close by.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
This project's starting to wind down; we're now down to two electricians. The floor guy came today to apply the last coat of shellac. Should be dry by about noonish tomorrow. Am looking forward to things returning more or less to normal. Want to sleep in my own bed again. Want to come and go as I please.
Dispatch #14:
"Happy Summer, Little Brother! Hope you're doing okay. Here the work on the house is in full gear - new floors (oak) and a new electrical system on the second floor. (Old electrical system was state of the art maybe 60 or so years ago, so needed a slight upgrade.) Unfortunately, the weather has been terrible - cool, humid, with a misty fog-like rain. Ech. That's supposed to be April weather, not June/July! Pfft. Keep taking care."
"Happy Summer, Little Brother! Hope you're doing okay. Here the work on the house is in full gear - new floors (oak) and a new electrical system on the second floor. (Old electrical system was state of the art maybe 60 or so years ago, so needed a slight upgrade.) Unfortunately, the weather has been terrible - cool, humid, with a misty fog-like rain. Ech. That's supposed to be April weather, not June/July! Pfft. Keep taking care."
Marianne and Islamo-Leftism
(The director of Marianne.fr on an article on their website which makes the claim that a.) Amahnedajad actually one the election b.) that Ahmanedajad is actually a "popular" leader c.) that the Libe and another publication, le Croix are Imperialist tools for reporting otherwise.)
Am not a fan of Marianne at all (even less so their website), but is good to see their director taking responsibility like this for some really awful, inflammatory and untrue stuff. Wish we could see more of that here.
(The director of Marianne.fr on an article on their website which makes the claim that a.) Amahnedajad actually one the election b.) that Ahmanedajad is actually a "popular" leader c.) that the Libe and another publication, le Croix are Imperialist tools for reporting otherwise.)
Am not a fan of Marianne at all (even less so their website), but is good to see their director taking responsibility like this for some really awful, inflammatory and untrue stuff. Wish we could see more of that here.
The black boxes were found.
Will be interesting to see what comes of this.
Update: nothing much, they weren't actually found.
The black boxes were found.
Will be interesting to see what comes of this.
Update: nothing much, they weren't actually found.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Decisions, decisions.
1.) Pavel limits himself to one fill of the suet, sunflower, thistle and corn feeders a day. I can understand why. The sparrows make things much more cheerful and much less lonely, so am thinking of doing a refill.
2.) Can't decide between pasta with saucisson sec, olives and Parmesan, or with leftover roast chicken and leeks.
3.) Do I want to continue the Eleanor of Aquitaine theme by re-reading what I'd dug up from the basement about Tristan and Iseut? It's sparked something in me that I'd not felt in years. (Different point of attack for something that used to take up a lot of time and mental/emotional/physical energy.)
4.) Or, Do I want to read more on the struggle between Absolutism and the Communard movement and how the Gothic Revival played in with that? If I do this, I might have to read the biography of Woodrow Wilson I got recently, as the French stuff, in addition to similar situations in Austria/Germany/Italy/Spain at the same time got the US the heck into a nasty war at the beginning of the 20th century.
5.) Or, do I continue reading stuff by dead Greek and Roman guys? Bought myself a couple Loeb Classics the last time the Frenchie was around (Tacitus - on Germany, V.1 of the Peloponnesian wars. Can read Latin. Greek, too, somewhat, but it's much harder - which is why I got back to back texts.) These two are Fundamentals, and have read around both.
6.) Have been doing a lot of work towards the ultimate goal of graduate school. Took the history courses mainly to get reaccustomed to academic writing. Have been taking courses in accounting, finance, etc, as that's what's been paying my way since forever. Was looking into translation, as it's much, much more difficult than literature (my degree), so could be an advantage. Accounting/Finance is having the rug pulled out from under it in this country as I write. I enjoy it, though. It's peaceful. Am wondering about statistics, though (didn't take much of this in college, so would kind of have to retrace my steps). Then there's actual formal training in business analysis. I'm a decent writer, have a good grounding in IT, speak (and write) proficiently some important enough languages to be useful. What the heck do I do?
7.) Kind of had an offer made is looking pretty difficult to refuse in spite of my security and attachment issues.
1.) Pavel limits himself to one fill of the suet, sunflower, thistle and corn feeders a day. I can understand why. The sparrows make things much more cheerful and much less lonely, so am thinking of doing a refill.
2.) Can't decide between pasta with saucisson sec, olives and Parmesan, or with leftover roast chicken and leeks.
3.) Do I want to continue the Eleanor of Aquitaine theme by re-reading what I'd dug up from the basement about Tristan and Iseut? It's sparked something in me that I'd not felt in years. (Different point of attack for something that used to take up a lot of time and mental/emotional/physical energy.)
4.) Or, Do I want to read more on the struggle between Absolutism and the Communard movement and how the Gothic Revival played in with that? If I do this, I might have to read the biography of Woodrow Wilson I got recently, as the French stuff, in addition to similar situations in Austria/Germany/Italy/Spain at the same time got the US the heck into a nasty war at the beginning of the 20th century.
5.) Or, do I continue reading stuff by dead Greek and Roman guys? Bought myself a couple Loeb Classics the last time the Frenchie was around (Tacitus - on Germany, V.1 of the Peloponnesian wars. Can read Latin. Greek, too, somewhat, but it's much harder - which is why I got back to back texts.) These two are Fundamentals, and have read around both.
6.) Have been doing a lot of work towards the ultimate goal of graduate school. Took the history courses mainly to get reaccustomed to academic writing. Have been taking courses in accounting, finance, etc, as that's what's been paying my way since forever. Was looking into translation, as it's much, much more difficult than literature (my degree), so could be an advantage. Accounting/Finance is having the rug pulled out from under it in this country as I write. I enjoy it, though. It's peaceful. Am wondering about statistics, though (didn't take much of this in college, so would kind of have to retrace my steps). Then there's actual formal training in business analysis. I'm a decent writer, have a good grounding in IT, speak (and write) proficiently some important enough languages to be useful. What the heck do I do?
7.) Kind of had an offer made is looking pretty difficult to refuse in spite of my security and attachment issues.
Minutes from the Congres de Versailles.
Funny what the Niqab thing got sandwiched between.
22/06 14:55 - Nicolas Sarkozy began speaking before the assembled parliament at the Congress of Versailles; the first since 1875*.
22/06 15:02 - Nicholas Sarkozy declared before the Congress that "the economic crisis is not finished," adding that "nothing [will be] as it was before." "Acting as though everything must start over again as before with the same criteria, the same methods would be a fatal error," He added that "we do not know when [the crisis] will end."
15:16 - "Secularism is not the rejection of religious sentiment," affirmed the president. It is a principle of neutrality, of respect." he specified, adding that "we should not be ashamed of our values."
15:20 - Nicolas Sarkozy highlighted that wearing the Burkha (full body veil) is "a problem for liberty, for women's dignity." "The Burkha is not a religious issue, it is a sign of submission, of the lowering of women," he insisted, stating specifically that "it is not welcome in the territory of the Republic."
15:23 - Nicolas Sarkozy stated that, regarding Hadopi, he wanted to go "as far as possible" against illegal downloading.
15:26 - Nicolas Sarkozy rejected the principal of a "politic of rigor**" "I will not participate in a politic of rigor, as this has always failed," specifying that "I will not increase taxes."
15:30 - The President affirmed that the government will have "a date with reform." He insisted that "We will pursue reform on the federal level and on the administrative level. We will not shrink from cutting (by attrition) one out of every two administrative positions in the public sector. We will go further in getting a handle on medical expenses and we will go as far as possible in regional reforms."
15:38 - Nicolas Sarkozy announced a "rearrangement***" of the government for Wednesday.
15:40 - The Chief of State announced the creation of a national loan (pool) which will be devoted exclusively to financing strategic priorities and which would be raised either on the financial markets or via the on the French people. The amount and the procedures surrounding this loan would be adopted only when the priorities were decided upon.
15:42 - "Europe must change," warned the president, adding that "it cannot function after the crisis as it did beforehand." He also added that, "change in Europe must move in tandem with change in France."
15:46 - Sarkozy made a declaration that the decision-making time for pension reform would take place "mid 2010," further stating that "everything would be on the table," including raising the retirement age.
15:53 - The President expressed his desire for a solution to the problem of adolescents leaving the educational system at 16 with nothing and 'falling through the cracks.' "This is an investment for French Society that cannot be circumvented," the chief of State explained. M. Sarkozy declared his support for a state-run "Internships for Excellence" program geared specifically towards "Children of Modest Means."
16:19 - Nicolas Sarkozy announced to the assembled parliament his proposition that "all who were laid-off for fiscal reasons would continue to receive their (full?) salary as well as training for a year." "I confirm that all tho lost their jobs due to economic reasons - I repeat - all who lost their jobs for economic reasons - must continue to receive their salaries and training for a full year."
16:25 - The President confirmed before the Congress his determination in advancing the carbon tax in order to fight pollution and to lighten the (tax) burden on work (employers?): "I hope to go as far as possible on the Carbon Tax. The more we tax pollution, the more we can lighten the burden for Work." (No timeframe was specified.)
*First since 1875. That's saying a lot.
** Don't really know what "politique de la rigeur" is - politics of force? Interesting statement, given that one could argue that his actions to date have been very evocative of that absolutism/nationalism mix born under Louis XIV and perfected by Napoleon.
*** "rearrangement" - remaniement - hmm. Wonder if there's going to be a ministerial shakeup on Wednesday.
Funny what the Niqab thing got sandwiched between.
22/06 14:55 - Nicolas Sarkozy began speaking before the assembled parliament at the Congress of Versailles; the first since 1875*.
22/06 15:02 - Nicholas Sarkozy declared before the Congress that "the economic crisis is not finished," adding that "nothing [will be] as it was before." "Acting as though everything must start over again as before with the same criteria, the same methods would be a fatal error," He added that "we do not know when [the crisis] will end."
15:16 - "Secularism is not the rejection of religious sentiment," affirmed the president. It is a principle of neutrality, of respect." he specified, adding that "we should not be ashamed of our values."
15:20 - Nicolas Sarkozy highlighted that wearing the Burkha (full body veil) is "a problem for liberty, for women's dignity." "The Burkha is not a religious issue, it is a sign of submission, of the lowering of women," he insisted, stating specifically that "it is not welcome in the territory of the Republic."
15:23 - Nicolas Sarkozy stated that, regarding Hadopi, he wanted to go "as far as possible" against illegal downloading.
15:26 - Nicolas Sarkozy rejected the principal of a "politic of rigor**" "I will not participate in a politic of rigor, as this has always failed," specifying that "I will not increase taxes."
15:30 - The President affirmed that the government will have "a date with reform." He insisted that "We will pursue reform on the federal level and on the administrative level. We will not shrink from cutting (by attrition) one out of every two administrative positions in the public sector. We will go further in getting a handle on medical expenses and we will go as far as possible in regional reforms."
15:38 - Nicolas Sarkozy announced a "rearrangement***" of the government for Wednesday.
15:40 - The Chief of State announced the creation of a national loan (pool) which will be devoted exclusively to financing strategic priorities and which would be raised either on the financial markets or via the on the French people. The amount and the procedures surrounding this loan would be adopted only when the priorities were decided upon.
15:42 - "Europe must change," warned the president, adding that "it cannot function after the crisis as it did beforehand." He also added that, "change in Europe must move in tandem with change in France."
15:46 - Sarkozy made a declaration that the decision-making time for pension reform would take place "mid 2010," further stating that "everything would be on the table," including raising the retirement age.
15:53 - The President expressed his desire for a solution to the problem of adolescents leaving the educational system at 16 with nothing and 'falling through the cracks.' "This is an investment for French Society that cannot be circumvented," the chief of State explained. M. Sarkozy declared his support for a state-run "Internships for Excellence" program geared specifically towards "Children of Modest Means."
16:19 - Nicolas Sarkozy announced to the assembled parliament his proposition that "all who were laid-off for fiscal reasons would continue to receive their (full?) salary as well as training for a year." "I confirm that all tho lost their jobs due to economic reasons - I repeat - all who lost their jobs for economic reasons - must continue to receive their salaries and training for a full year."
16:25 - The President confirmed before the Congress his determination in advancing the carbon tax in order to fight pollution and to lighten the (tax) burden on work (employers?): "I hope to go as far as possible on the Carbon Tax. The more we tax pollution, the more we can lighten the burden for Work." (No timeframe was specified.)
*First since 1875. That's saying a lot.
** Don't really know what "politique de la rigeur" is - politics of force? Interesting statement, given that one could argue that his actions to date have been very evocative of that absolutism/nationalism mix born under Louis XIV and perfected by Napoleon.
*** "rearrangement" - remaniement - hmm. Wonder if there's going to be a ministerial shakeup on Wednesday.
The bureaucratic boondoggle is not much closer to being resolved and I can't get a hold of people I need to talk to to finish up. Kind of have a time frame, too, for getting stuff done.
It's actually turning up a lot of old, unpleasant memories of past dealings with the same folks*. That in and of itself is tough, because I'm not the best glued-together person in the world, emotionally speaking.
*(See, Be, it's *not* you doesn't help much, either.)
The bureaucratic boondoggle is not much closer to being resolved and I can't get a hold of people I need to talk to to finish up. Kind of have a time frame, too, for getting stuff done.
It's actually turning up a lot of old, unpleasant memories of past dealings with the same folks*. That in and of itself is tough, because I'm not the best glued-together person in the world, emotionally speaking.
*(See, Be, it's *not* you doesn't help much, either.)
The newly finished floor is not drying due to the awful, humid weather. As a result, need to crank the heat upstairs - not something one likes to be doing when the weather's already pretty stifling.
Don't know when the rest of the work's going to be done. They're nice guys, all of them, and they're doing a great job. I'd just like to be able to move around a bit more and have my space back.
The newly finished floor is not drying due to the awful, humid weather. As a result, need to crank the heat upstairs - not something one likes to be doing when the weather's already pretty stifling.
Don't know when the rest of the work's going to be done. They're nice guys, all of them, and they're doing a great job. I'd just like to be able to move around a bit more and have my space back.
To be honest, I didn't know that this was such a problem. (See lots of veils - much more than here, though.) As for the interchange of the terms 'burkha' and 'niqab' among the French, not very surprising. This is a place that instituted programming for the immigrant influx after the pullout from Algeria in Arabic, rather than in the language that the new 'citizens' actually spoke.
Althouse (of course) puts it far more elegantly and correctly when she states that this is "paternalism attacking paternalism."
Althouse (of course) puts it far more elegantly and correctly when she states that this is "paternalism attacking paternalism."
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Compare and Contrast?
Hmm, the closest analogy I can come up with is maybe:
CBS correspondent in DC : Student Protester in Iran :: Nanterre in 68 : Prague Spring?
I know it's not quite apt, so if anyone can come up with something better, please let me know.
Actually, it occurred to me - as frivolous and immature as I do see a lot of 68ers as being, there *were* actual causes for grievance or protest in Mai 68. When compared to their Czech counterparts, though, the French students come across as incredibly immature.
So, need to come up with a better analogue. Maybe
CBS correspondent in DC : Student Protester in Iran :: Nero Fiddling : Rome Burning would be better.
Hmm, the closest analogy I can come up with is maybe:
CBS correspondent in DC : Student Protester in Iran :: Nanterre in 68 : Prague Spring?
I know it's not quite apt, so if anyone can come up with something better, please let me know.
Actually, it occurred to me - as frivolous and immature as I do see a lot of 68ers as being, there *were* actual causes for grievance or protest in Mai 68. When compared to their Czech counterparts, though, the French students come across as incredibly immature.
So, need to come up with a better analogue. Maybe
CBS correspondent in DC : Student Protester in Iran :: Nero Fiddling : Rome Burning would be better.
Finally occurred to me why I had this horrible pain radiating from one of the lower vertebrae into my kidneys. Yesterday, while taking stuff out to Pablo's cah, had my ankle give way on me. Fell and jabbed myself pretty badly on the corner of a concrete border. Made a mental note that that was going to hurt like the dickens later on, but lost said note.
The floor guys sure work fast. They got here at around 8:00 and had the new boards nailed down by 11-ish. Have been staggering lunch breaks so that someone'd constantly be working. Right now, they're just about finishing up the sanding; expect that the initial coats of polyurethane will be applied very soon.
Have to admit, have heard of (and have had personal experience with) bad contractors in all areas*. Chuck is a dream, though - prompt, efficient, excellent manager, honest in terms of pricing. Oh yes, and someone with a knowledge of history and a sense of aesthetics we agree with. (Important, that.)
* Last house, the back stairs had to be ripped out and put back in several times because the guy kept getting things wrong. Also was missing an exposed wall for nearly a month and was w/out a bathroom for a couple weeks. Very typically hear from friends of people starting work, dismantling stuff completely, then disappearing for weeks at a time.
Have to admit, have heard of (and have had personal experience with) bad contractors in all areas*. Chuck is a dream, though - prompt, efficient, excellent manager, honest in terms of pricing. Oh yes, and someone with a knowledge of history and a sense of aesthetics we agree with. (Important, that.)
* Last house, the back stairs had to be ripped out and put back in several times because the guy kept getting things wrong. Also was missing an exposed wall for nearly a month and was w/out a bathroom for a couple weeks. Very typically hear from friends of people starting work, dismantling stuff completely, then disappearing for weeks at a time.
Good People,
good stuff,
Friday, June 19, 2009
Since am solo for now, decided to try out the new Vietnamese place that just opened up nearby. Had a bowl of fisherman's soup, a crepe and a papaya salad - standard stuff, but nicely done. Was particularly impressed with the crepe, as it was neither too greasy nor soggy in spite of my showing up late to pick it up. Loved the filling, too. The sprouts were perfect.
Figured that I'd just eat, then turn in with a book (long day, plus the floor guys are coming early tomorrow). That was before I noted that someone put Baisers Volés up on Youtube. (Missed the entire series of Antoine Doinel stories at the Brattle last month, could have kicked myself for that.) Charming, but a little sad. Doesn't help when one recognizes more than a few of the locations and starts feeling the Sehnsucht welling up as a result.
Still, not a bad way to spend a Friday night.
Figured that I'd just eat, then turn in with a book (long day, plus the floor guys are coming early tomorrow). That was before I noted that someone put Baisers Volés up on Youtube. (Missed the entire series of Antoine Doinel stories at the Brattle last month, could have kicked myself for that.) Charming, but a little sad. Doesn't help when one recognizes more than a few of the locations and starts feeling the Sehnsucht welling up as a result.
Still, not a bad way to spend a Friday night.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Got all the weeding and planting done that I wanted to - before the rain, too. Am very pleased with myself for that. Managed also get some strawberry jam made. (14 jars - just kept working until I ran out of sugar and jars). Now need to figure out how to manoeuvre around the the electricians in order to wash up and get out of the house for a bit.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Wire drops were made in one of the rooms being updated. Lots of detritus carted off, as well. I had yet another Kafka-like interaction with a bureaucracy that's been dogging me for nearly 20 years. Will not let them get me. Eleanor of Aquitaine was imprisoned for the same amount of time by her husband - no money, no freedom, no interactions with others - and she bloomed. What I'm dealing with is far less severe and certainly far less important in the scheme of things. Still, it's important to me. Important enough to have consumed a good bit of my soul over the past several years, anyway.
While the guys were up knocking things around and singing loudly, I went into domestic mode and made some jam:

Queen Eleanor, King Marmalade and some confiture de pêches.
Peaches were $.99/lb at Stah, so went crazy buying. (If there's one thing I like better than eating cheap peaches, it's making jam out of them - ended up with 15 lbs worth of fruit.) Prepped stuff and sterilized the jars. Got about 1/2 way through before I had to clean up and head out to the doctor. Ended up with 15 jars, all of it slightly runny but jelled just the same.
Will finish the rest tomorrow. Then will have to go out and find more jars to start on the strawberries that I went wild over.
While the guys were up knocking things around and singing loudly, I went into domestic mode and made some jam:

Queen Eleanor, King Marmalade and some confiture de pêches.
Peaches were $.99/lb at Stah, so went crazy buying. (If there's one thing I like better than eating cheap peaches, it's making jam out of them - ended up with 15 lbs worth of fruit.) Prepped stuff and sterilized the jars. Got about 1/2 way through before I had to clean up and head out to the doctor. Ended up with 15 jars, all of it slightly runny but jelled just the same.
Will finish the rest tomorrow. Then will have to go out and find more jars to start on the strawberries that I went wild over.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Took a walk along the Mystic over by the Wellington yacht club today to get out of the house for a bit. Saw and heard many wonderful things there. Will talk more about that later, though, as am wiped out and just want to curl up with Eleanor and her four kings right now.
(Good night.)
(Good night.)
Chuck came by this morning at eight with a couple of big, burly boys and an electrician to start another project in the house. This time around, they're reflooring all the parts of the second floor that haven't been tiled and rewiring everything to get it all up to code. Should take about two weeks.
Today was demolition. All the old, mouldering wall-to-wall that remained was ripped up, then the floorboards (some of which were rotten) were removed. What a racket! Poor girl cat was hyperventilating upstairs for a while and even bit me when I tried to comfort her. Eventually she did let me take her downstairs for a bit. Interestingly enough, when she got to see the big, burly boys, she calmed down considerably.
Anyway, we're down to the sub floor in the big bedroom and the hall:

Pavel's room, which is just below mine.


Some of the hundreds of hundred-year-old nails pulled up this morning.
This part went surprisingly fast. Wood's going to be delivered later on this week and, based on when the electricians finish their work, the floor guys will come in either over the weekend or early next week to lay in the new wood. It's going to be red oak. Should be gorgeous.
There's dust everywhere and our movements are seriously restricted, but it's all going to seriously be worth it. Can't wait to see the end results.
Today was demolition. All the old, mouldering wall-to-wall that remained was ripped up, then the floorboards (some of which were rotten) were removed. What a racket! Poor girl cat was hyperventilating upstairs for a while and even bit me when I tried to comfort her. Eventually she did let me take her downstairs for a bit. Interestingly enough, when she got to see the big, burly boys, she calmed down considerably.
Anyway, we're down to the sub floor in the big bedroom and the hall:

Pavel's room, which is just below mine.


Some of the hundreds of hundred-year-old nails pulled up this morning.
This part went surprisingly fast. Wood's going to be delivered later on this week and, based on when the electricians finish their work, the floor guys will come in either over the weekend or early next week to lay in the new wood. It's going to be red oak. Should be gorgeous.
There's dust everywhere and our movements are seriously restricted, but it's all going to seriously be worth it. Can't wait to see the end results.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
To change the subject somewhat:
Would really like to attract hummingbirds. Is this possible in Somerville? We bought a nectar feeder along with some red-dyed juice and two hanging pots of bright red blooms (geraniums and impatiens). I'm thinking of getting a butterfly bush if I can find a place to fit it, along with lots of petunias. Am growing sweet peas, morning glories and nasturtiums, as well. In any event, this all is going to look great by July or August. Just don't know if I should get my hopes up regarding the visitors I'm trying trying to entice.
Would really like to attract hummingbirds. Is this possible in Somerville? We bought a nectar feeder along with some red-dyed juice and two hanging pots of bright red blooms (geraniums and impatiens). I'm thinking of getting a butterfly bush if I can find a place to fit it, along with lots of petunias. Am growing sweet peas, morning glories and nasturtiums, as well. In any event, this all is going to look great by July or August. Just don't know if I should get my hopes up regarding the visitors I'm trying trying to entice.
Is amazing how such small animals can make such a racket. Normally, there's just the general cheerful chirping that goes on from about sunrise to sunset. From the inside, it's a nice background noise. When we're outside, sometimes we can hardly hear ourselves talking over it.
A couple times a day, there'll be a dispute over territory or food that leads to feathers flying and a general uproar in the yew. The best equivalents I can think of are a crowd of middle school aged kids chanting "fight!" around a couple of usually boys but sometimes girls intent on killing each other in an echo-y hallway or maybe the collective booing in the cafeteria after someone drops a tray*.
What's really notable, though, is the stillness and utter silence that overtakes the flock after some sort of warning call. We witness this maybe once a day and it even puts our hair on end.
* Yes, I was educated by wolves.
A couple times a day, there'll be a dispute over territory or food that leads to feathers flying and a general uproar in the yew. The best equivalents I can think of are a crowd of middle school aged kids chanting "fight!" around a couple of usually boys but sometimes girls intent on killing each other in an echo-y hallway or maybe the collective booing in the cafeteria after someone drops a tray*.
What's really notable, though, is the stillness and utter silence that overtakes the flock after some sort of warning call. We witness this maybe once a day and it even puts our hair on end.
* Yes, I was educated by wolves.
Sometimes it's hard for us to remember, being as high on food chain that we are, that it's an incredibly brutal world out there for the little guys. The yard is pretty safe, with lots of high branches and places to hide. There are a few predators out there, though: namely squirrels. A small black and white cat (strangely frightened of people) has been seen prowling around as well.
The other day, Pavel found one of the fledglings on the ground, stomach split open and innards strewn about on the patio. He put the remains on the compost pile so that the poor thing could come back as a sunflower or something. Such a sad little thing it was, but also a reminder of why some birds give birth to so many over the course of the Spring and Summer.
The other day, Pavel found one of the fledglings on the ground, stomach split open and innards strewn about on the patio. He put the remains on the compost pile so that the poor thing could come back as a sunflower or something. Such a sad little thing it was, but also a reminder of why some birds give birth to so many over the course of the Spring and Summer.
I'm sure that the sparrows're probably crowding out all the other species who might come to visit the feeders. Oh well, they're cute anyway.
This morning we must've had a good 40 of them in the yew along another 8-10 on the patio where I put a plate of corn. Though most still have their juvenile plumage (when does that change?), all seem to be able to get food from the feeders and crack the seed hulls on their own. It's only relatively rarely now that
we see the frantic wing flapping and gaping mouths pointed upward (this happens on occasion at the suet feeder, though).
What really gets us now is naptime.
Amid the din we'll always find a few downy little ones with their heads tucked under the wings. Occasionally, if we've not been discreet enough in our approaches, heads will come up, eyes will blink a few times in a fight between alertness and sleep-weight, and when they see that it's only the big things behind the shiny stuff that hurts when one bumps into it, sleep will win out again.
This morning we must've had a good 40 of them in the yew along another 8-10 on the patio where I put a plate of corn. Though most still have their juvenile plumage (when does that change?), all seem to be able to get food from the feeders and crack the seed hulls on their own. It's only relatively rarely now that
we see the frantic wing flapping and gaping mouths pointed upward (this happens on occasion at the suet feeder, though).
What really gets us now is naptime.
Amid the din we'll always find a few downy little ones with their heads tucked under the wings. Occasionally, if we've not been discreet enough in our approaches, heads will come up, eyes will blink a few times in a fight between alertness and sleep-weight, and when they see that it's only the big things behind the shiny stuff that hurts when one bumps into it, sleep will win out again.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Dispatch #13:
"Hey Little Bro! First of all , I'm sorry to have missed writing you last week. Was working a temporary job that was 10-14 hours/day not including the commute which was an hour each way. Am so glad it's over. I ain't as young as I used to be! How are you doing? Is the mouth feeling better? Hope so.
My garden's doing pretty well. Harvested some lettuce the other day for the first salad of the season. I also have peas growing + radishes. In pots I have tomato plants and lots of herbs (sage, thyme, tarragon, oregano, marjoram + lavender.) To be continued..."
I want to grow cucumbers as well as bok choy. Love bok choy stir fried w/a bit of garlic, sesame oil mirin + either tofu or chicken.
Bought some peaches + strawberries for really cheap today @ the grocery store. The plan is to make some jam tomorrow if I'm not too tired. Am wondering if it would be a good idea to try to send you some. You could share it (or trade it) - whatever. Let me know.
Aunt Marilyn and Uncle Dave may be visiting me in 2 weeks. Should be a trip. They're fun in metered doses (snort!).
Dollars to doughnuts says that these postcards come in reverse order + none of this makes any sense! You take care!"
"Hey Little Bro! First of all , I'm sorry to have missed writing you last week. Was working a temporary job that was 10-14 hours/day not including the commute which was an hour each way. Am so glad it's over. I ain't as young as I used to be! How are you doing? Is the mouth feeling better? Hope so.
My garden's doing pretty well. Harvested some lettuce the other day for the first salad of the season. I also have peas growing + radishes. In pots I have tomato plants and lots of herbs (sage, thyme, tarragon, oregano, marjoram + lavender.) To be continued..."
I want to grow cucumbers as well as bok choy. Love bok choy stir fried w/a bit of garlic, sesame oil mirin + either tofu or chicken.
Bought some peaches + strawberries for really cheap today @ the grocery store. The plan is to make some jam tomorrow if I'm not too tired. Am wondering if it would be a good idea to try to send you some. You could share it (or trade it) - whatever. Let me know.
Aunt Marilyn and Uncle Dave may be visiting me in 2 weeks. Should be a trip. They're fun in metered doses (snort!).
Dollars to doughnuts says that these postcards come in reverse order + none of this makes any sense! You take care!"
During the time I was downtown, Pavel went out to explore different parts of the Mystic preserve. Every day he went, he saw a new bird. Among those - Baltimore orioles, a yellow-shafted flicker, yellow warblers, a king bird, plenty of swallows and killdeer.
The best find, though, was in a sycamore tree by the orange line overpass:

Audubon's Cedar Waxwings, drawn April, 1820. "[Audubon] observed that various plants provide these birds with plenty of berries and fruits, on which they fatten, and become so tender and juicy as to be sought by every epicure for the table. He had known an instance of a basketful of these little birds having been forwarded to New Orleans as a Christmas present. They never arrived, and it was afterwards discovered that the steward of the steamer, in which they were shipped, made pies of them for the benefit of the passangers.*"
Pavel tells me that these birds have a song that is so high-pitched that he nearly mistook it for some sort of insect sound. Tender as they might be, he didn't seem much interested in bagging any for that night's dinner; is wondering more on how to attract them into his yard. Maybe if we were to supplement the yew tree with a juniper bush (as seen in the print). This seems like a good excuse to get that mountain ash he's been talking about for some time, as well.
*From "Original Watercolor paintings by John James Audubon for the Birds of America." American Heritage Publishing, 1966, plate #9.
The best find, though, was in a sycamore tree by the orange line overpass:

Audubon's Cedar Waxwings, drawn April, 1820. "[Audubon] observed that various plants provide these birds with plenty of berries and fruits, on which they fatten, and become so tender and juicy as to be sought by every epicure for the table. He had known an instance of a basketful of these little birds having been forwarded to New Orleans as a Christmas present. They never arrived, and it was afterwards discovered that the steward of the steamer, in which they were shipped, made pies of them for the benefit of the passangers.*"
Pavel tells me that these birds have a song that is so high-pitched that he nearly mistook it for some sort of insect sound. Tender as they might be, he didn't seem much interested in bagging any for that night's dinner; is wondering more on how to attract them into his yard. Maybe if we were to supplement the yew tree with a juniper bush (as seen in the print). This seems like a good excuse to get that mountain ash he's been talking about for some time, as well.
*From "Original Watercolor paintings by John James Audubon for the Birds of America." American Heritage Publishing, 1966, plate #9.
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Monday, June 08, 2009
Sunday, June 07, 2009
Personal opinion here:
Am wondering if Airbus Air France won't be in a heap of trouble (not to mention France itself, given that they're major shareholders of these entreprises), given what I've been reading. (Major media silence in France up till now.) Bad, bad news.
Good commentary here from someone who knows way more about airplanes than I do (thanks, Dad).
Air France pilots are considering refusing to fly the A330s and A340s that haven't had the instruments in question upgraded, according to Le Monde.
Am wondering if Airbus Air France won't be in a heap of trouble (not to mention France itself, given that they're major shareholders of these entreprises), given what I've been reading. (Major media silence in France up till now.) Bad, bad news.
Good commentary here from someone who knows way more about airplanes than I do (thanks, Dad).
Air France pilots are considering refusing to fly the A330s and A340s that haven't had the instruments in question upgraded, according to Le Monde.
Saturday, June 06, 2009
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Full Fathom Five
Full fathom five thy father lies,
Of his bones are coral made;
Those are pearls that were his eyes:
Nothing of him that doth fade,
But doth suffer a sea-change Into something rich and strange.
Sea-nymphs hourly ring his knell:
Hark! now I hear them, - ding-dong bell.
Shakespeare, interpreted by Ralph Vaughan Williams
(For all those people who didn't make it across the Atlantic the other day. I cross it a fair bit and this is one of my biggest fears.)
Full fathom five thy father lies,
Of his bones are coral made;
Those are pearls that were his eyes:
Nothing of him that doth fade,
But doth suffer a sea-change Into something rich and strange.
Sea-nymphs hourly ring his knell:
Hark! now I hear them, - ding-dong bell.
Shakespeare, interpreted by Ralph Vaughan Williams
(For all those people who didn't make it across the Atlantic the other day. I cross it a fair bit and this is one of my biggest fears.)
Lots going on right now, so am sorry for the twitter like posts. Am working a conference for some friends at a big school to the south of heah - often half days or more (on a 24 hour schedule). It's good work, and I enjoy the folks there. Don't think I could do it long term, as tempting as it may seem at the moment.
Have a lot of knitting


and inneresting reading going on. Also am trying to figure out the future, as it always seems to be dogging me.
Am tired, very tired, but very happy in the change of pace.
Have a lot of knitting


and inneresting reading going on. Also am trying to figure out the future, as it always seems to be dogging me.
Am tired, very tired, but very happy in the change of pace.
I know all about it, past and present.
This is going to blow Raphaella's mind when I tell her.
I know all about it, past and present.
This is going to blow Raphaella's mind when I tell her.
Oh My Gosh.
Pavel's sister mentioned recent sightings off the NYC coast. How amazing that they actually have documented proof, though?
Pavel's sister mentioned recent sightings off the NYC coast. How amazing that they actually have documented proof, though?
Very bad news.
Whatever happened, I hope it was so fast that no one had time to realize what was going on.
Whatever happened, I hope it was so fast that no one had time to realize what was going on.
Monday, June 01, 2009
Dispatch #12:
Hey, little brother! Hope you're doing okay and that the tooth is better. I'm tired! Am helping a friend out at one of the universities here - just doing whatever they need right now. Was at the office for + 10 hours today. Will probably have to work the weekend, too. That's okay, though, because I really like the department. The people are really nice. More soon (promise)! Had a great weekend. You take care."
Hey, little brother! Hope you're doing okay and that the tooth is better. I'm tired! Am helping a friend out at one of the universities here - just doing whatever they need right now. Was at the office for + 10 hours today. Will probably have to work the weekend, too. That's okay, though, because I really like the department. The people are really nice. More soon (promise)! Had a great weekend. You take care."
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