Monday, May 31, 2004

Today's WHRB orgy is devoted to the Zhdanov Degree of 1948 against formalism in Soviet Music. This decree was one that decried 'formalism and anti populism in soviet music' singling out composers whose works expemplified the 'horrors of the bourgeois aesthetic.' This was largely levelled at the works of Khatchaturian, Myaskowsky, Prokofieff, and Shostakovich -formerly revered composers, who were eventually fired from their posts and humiliated by the Party.

I've found a little snippet on Zhdanov here, along with a good timeline of events in Soviet history for all who might be interested.

It was so funny - after the relative calm of the Copenhagen Jazz Orgy - when they started with the opening bars of the first movement of Shostakovich's "Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District", you should have heard the *crash* when both startled cats jumped!

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