Saturday, May 31, 2008

Guess I will be getting strawberries this year.


jo said...

Every year I lament the fact that I missed the genetic trait for good chive growing. Up in Maine at mom's summer house our patch of chive is legendary. here in Newton I have to replant ever year. Everything else comes back gangbusters....want some Oregano? But chive, which I use prolifically just refuses to catch on.

Be said...

Funny - I thought that herbs were supposed to be weeds! My big problems are with mint and thyme. I'm so jealous of people who use thyme as ground cover, as my stuff never grows enough to use, much less stay around to the next year. As for mint, I've never had problems with the stuff being 'invasive.' This particularly saddens me, as I love mint - put it in salads, in drinks, crush it up and rub it under my eyes, make jelly out of it...

My boss gave me some of the mint she ripped out of the borders at the community garden she works at. Hopefully this stuff'll take.