Monday, May 25, 2009

Last night I dreamed of garlic soup with saffron, so absolutely had to have some this morning. Threw together a broth (veggie stock from the freezer to which I added four sauteed cloves of garlic, some thyme, black pepper and a huge pinch of saffron). While this was simmering and perfuming up the house, made a piece of toast and poached an egg. Buttered the toast and put it in a bowl. Set the egg on top of it, then ladled the broth over this. Sprinkled a bit of parmesan cheese over that.

My word, did it hit the spot. Love it when something so simple can satisfy like that and actually get me glowing.


jo said...

god how i love garlic soup...and i adore saffron. husband hates it. i love the metallic tang. yum!

Be said...

I was agnostic about saffron until a lady in an African spice market in the Frenchie's neighborhood turned me on to the Iranian stuff. Now I'm hooked. A favorite breakfast (which I'm told is Egyptian) is vegetables cooked in saffron water, then served cold (with the broth if there is any), a hard-cooked egg (some white cheese if you have it) and a bit of flat bread. Lived on that last summer when it was getting into triple digits here.