Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Back Again.

Am still a bit woozy. Travel was pretty hellish yesterday, though not as bad as it could have been. Have a lot of sleep to catch up on, as was up for nearly 30 hours straight.

Having a hard time reconciling the fact that just a couple days ago, I was out sunbathing, too. Oh well.


Unknown said...

Welcome home! Snow is crazy isn't it? Last week we were searching for crocuses (and found some) popping up under our tree. Now they are buried again!
Thank you for sharing the funeral. I'm so relieved that you survived!

Be said...

I'm glad, too, though it made me sad to see just how unhappy things are back in Buffalo.

Crocuses and snowdrops were *all over the place* in Suresnes. Was amazing. (sigh).