Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Blonde Attitude.

Anne Roumanoff. Was reminded of her the other night by another friend. This one hits a bit close to home, but love it anyway.

Talking with my neighbor last night brought to mind rule #3 in Anne's treatise on Blonde Attitude (1:28-1:50ish):

"L'admiration dans la regarde. Ainsi, quand homme explique quelque chose, meme si c'est le menu d'un restaurant, je fais:

Ouais, ouais, je comprends...c'est fort...tout est tellement clair avec toi.

Pour vous entrainer a reussir dans la Blonde Attitude, repetez apres moi:
Je t'ecouterais parler pendant des heures..."

That is:

"When a man starts explaining something to you, even a restaurant menu, I say: yes, yes. I understand. Wow. Everything becomes so clear when I'm with you.


To get a bit of practice, repeat after me: "I could listen to you for hours..."

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