Friday, December 09, 2005

See how I fall (like the snow).

December's hitting worse than usual; am in such a dark space right now.

Still, there are little things that can bring a happy tear to my eye. Stepped out the front door onto a soft blanket of snow and into small squall. Immediately, my absolute favorite Christmas song in the whole wide world showed up to accompany me to work.


Hal told me the other day that Kate Bush finally, after something like 12 years, has a new album out. Though we were both awfully disappointed with The Red Shoes, I at least have great hopes for Aerial.


Yogo said...

I listened to that song. Nice.

Be said...

She's an odd bird, and often people either love her (as I do) or absolutely hate her.

That might well be my favorite song of hers. Hmm. Maybe. Dunno.