Sunday, August 29, 2004

Spiritual and Emotional Sustenance:

Surprise dinner party for Auntie Scott tonight. Stirfry, old fashioned coconut birthday cake, a very original film and unusual adaptation of the Oresteia. I met Scott and Colin at about the same time; we worked together in the theater(I love that, doesn't it sound great?). I guess you could say that we're a 'band of brothers' of a sort for having survived a three-week run of a four hour long interpretation of "The Winter's Tale."

Apparently, Scott helped out with the restoration of sound to another old talkie with the Vitaphone Project. It will be fun to see it once he receives a copy.

Every time I see them, of course I think, why don't we get together more often? Why does life have to be so hectic now and why do our paths have to be as divergent as they are?

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