Wednesday, November 26, 2003

"The Bush administration imposes new rules that require labor unions to report their expenditures in detail. The White House says the new rules will cut down fraud and shed light on union finances. But unions contend the rules are time-consuming and designed to cripple their operations. " - from

There's an audio link to this on the NPR website. I found this article interesting in that at the current time, we're taking to task the Enrons, the Tycos, the WorldComs for fraud, financial improprieties. Currently in Massachusetts, the mutual fund companies are being investigated for illegal practices, as well. These things should be covered and whoever is commiting a crime should be punished.

What I don't understand is the lack of coverage of issues like this outside the Corporate world. The NEA recently was investigated for fraud - turns out four union leaders were convicted so far of embezzlement. One Labor department investigator said that there are an average of 11 convictions a month for fraud in unions. These are groups that are supposed to be working *for* the worker. I'd think that the media would be all over this sort of injustice.

As we are moving towards more accountability and transparency in the corporate world, shouldn't the Unions, the Universities and the companies in the nonprofit sector be held to the same standards (if not higher)?
Surely, as I heard this morning, they are not all naturally above greed and impropriety.

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