Anyway, can try to catch up in one area of the life.
Bird Log:
Thursday, 21 October - Fresh Pond, Cambridge.
3-4 coots
+20 ring-necked ducks

A Flotilla. I'd say that this was probably 1/2 mallards, 1/2 ringnecks with a few coots thrown in for good measure.
3 nuthatches (heard)
1 downy woodpecker (heard)
Roughly two dozen cormorants perched in trees near the shore.

Just one guy. Branches made it hard to take a picture to the gaggle of these birds in the trees, too. Some had orange beaks, others had black ones. They were also vocalizing quite a bit, too. Pavel read later that they talked a lot when they were roosting. Funny, never saw these birds in trees before. Only on lower perches like rocks, buoys and rafts.
Saturday, 23 October - Plum Island, MA
Large quantities of three types of birds:
-Gulls (black-backed, herring, ring-billed, common terns)
-Sea-Ducks (mainly common eiders, but I think I saw a juvenile scoter.)
-Waders (Plovers: 1 black-bellied in Winter colors, several semipalmated. Two types of sandpipers.)

Sandpipers! Lots of em!
Monday, 25 October - Lexington, MA
Another trip out to Great Meadows. This was kind of a spur of the moment thing at the end of the day. We were grocery shopping in Arlington, so decided to get a quick walk in before sunset. When we got there, started chatting with an older gentleman who visited daily. Talked about birds and favorite places to look at birds of course; learned a fair bit as well (namely what the little black and yellow birds were that we saw darting around in proliferation. I thought they were winter-colored goldfinches or yellow warblers. He said that those had gone away since about September and that those we were seeing were actually yellow rumped warblers).
+-10 yellow rumps
1 great blue heron
1 hawk - smaller than a redtail, but not a harrier.
3-4 dozen swamp sparrows
Lots of mallards, lots of canadas.
Quite a few canada rumps, too.
3 red-winged blackbirds (males)
2-3 nuthatches (heard)
2+ downy woodpeckers (heard)
The fellow we were talking to mentioned that he saw a couple bluebirds that day. Sadly, we missed them.
Tuesday, 26 October - Somerville/Medford, MA
Wandered around the Mystic. Did not see much aside from a couple chickadees, several song sparrows and a whole lot of starlings. Was disappointed to see that my crabapple trees didn't bear fruit this year.
Wednesday, 27 October - Medford, MA
Visited another part of the Mystic. Paul was hoping to see the mergansers, but I think it was a bit too hot out for their liking.
Thursday, 28 October - Revere, MA
Large quantities of three types of gulls (black-backed, herring, ring-billed)
Two large trans-Atlantic migratory types (Think both were Airbus types? That's the Frenchie's department, not mine. One was an Alitalia bird, the other was British Airways.)
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