Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Simple Stripes.

Years ago, Boston had something called the “Women’s Educational and Industrial Union.” To fund it partly, they had a gift shop and a tea room, if I remember correctly. On the upper level of the shop, there was a little needlework boutique. I don’t remember their having many knitting supplies; seemed as though it was mainly geared towards embroidery and needlepoint.

At about the start of their decline, they phased out the needlework section. Had absolutely no use for it, but ended up buying something like six skeins of a fine Persian wool (from Paterna / Paternayan, I think) more suited to crewel or cross stitch than knitting. The ridiculously low price and a little improvised knitted pattern convinced me.

This yarn has sat in my stash for something like 20 years - the longest of anything.

From just the blue and the gray, made a Morehouse inspired triangle, all garter stitch. It's served me well, but is currently residing across the ocean. Decided to use the leftovers, along with the lovely lily pad green for another of the prime-number stripey / Scandinavian-inspired shawls.

Good, peaceful, mindlessly mindful knitting.