Sunday, February 14, 2010

Partagez Vos Jours entre L’Amour et La Gloire

— Prince, lui répondit le génie, partagez vos jours entre l’amour et la gloire ; Mirzoza vous assurera le premier de ces avantages ; et je vous promets le second. " À ces mots, le spectre encapuchonné serra la queue de ses hiboux, et partit en pirouettant, comme il était venu.

"Prince, answered the genie, divide your days between Love and Glory; Mirzoza (your Favorite) will secure the first of these advantages; I promise you the second." And with these words, the hooded spirit tugged the tails of his owls and left with a pirouette, just as he had come.

-the last lines of Diderot's "Indiscreet Jewels," a considerably more intelligent and woman-friendly talking tw@t tribute to today than this.

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